Vilniaus mokytojų namai

About us

Located in Old Town (Vilnius st. 39/6), the Teachers’ House  is a major cultural centre in Vilnius. It has all the necessary facilities for organizing any kind of meetings: from a workshop to a general conference (exploitable 4.229 m2). Called a place with an artistic touch, it constantly exhibits the works of young artists and is famous for cultural events in its cozy halls. There is a possibility to provide a sound system for concerts or other performances as well.
Founder - Vilnius City Municipality; set up in 1946.

We organize book fairs, garden shows and different events for families and children. At the Center, there are folk dance, folk instruments, ballet and theatre studios for both children and young adults.

Available to rent:

  • Two halls with a seating capacity of 350 and 100.
  • 7 study - seminar rooms ranging from 14 to 45 seats.
  • Courtyard (open air space)

Other Facilities:

Internet connection, Business equipment, Restaurant, On-site parking.


16 hobby/Interest Clubs

B. Petrulionis TOURISTS club

Vilnius ZEMAICIAI club

Vilnius DZUKAI club


Vilnius rokiskenai club VAKARE

Vilnius KUPISKIS club


Lithuanian teachers' literary  association RAY

Romance lovers  MELOS club 

Ethical and culture school

Teachers senior SVETOC club

Vilnius vegetarian club

World War II veterans club

Teachers senior VERSME club

Lithuanian reformation, history and culture society

Communication in German LOTTE club


16 amateur art companies

Boys and young men choir AZUOLIUKAS

Chamber choir BEL CANTO

Women's choir  AIDAS

Men's choir VYTIS

Teachers' senior choir VERSME

Teachers' senior choir SVETOC

Folklore ensemble KRIVULE

Folklore ensemble VILNIAUS DZUKULIAI

Folklore ensemble TYKLE

Children's folklore ensemble REKETUKAS

Folk music ensemble KANKLELIAI

The national ensemble VILNIJA

National dance team

Accordion quintet CONCERTINO

Accordion orchestra CONSONA

Classical dance collective NUOTAIKA


8 workshops/clusters

Arts studio TERRA BELLA


Classical dance studio NUOTAIKA

Sunday aesthetic education lithuanian school SYPSENELE

Saturday aesthetic education lithuanian school LITTLE SCHOOL

Children's pop music and singing studio MIKROFONAS

Supplementary education school YOUTH PERSPECTIVE

Lithuanian school DEBESELIAI

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